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Bogus phone calls, emails on jury service may lead to fraud.  If you receive a phone call, text, or email notifying you that you’re in big trouble for failing to show up for jury service, be suspicious.  It’s probably a scam.  Visit our Jury Scams webpage for more information.

Disqualification from Jury Service

What's the difference?

Postponement:  Choose a more convenient date to serve.
Disqualification:  Legally unable to perform jury service.
Excusal:  Qualified but temporarily unable to serve.

Qualifications for Jury Service

You must meet these minimum qualifications to perform jury service in Mendocino Country:

  • You must be a United States citizen
  • You must be 18 years or older
  • You must be a Mendocino County resident
  • You must be able to read and understand English
  • If convicted of a felony, you can no longer be on parole, post release community supervision, felony probation or mandated supervision
  • You cannot have been convicted of a malfeasance in office, or if convicted, your civil rights have to have been restored.
  • You are not required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 290 of the Penal Code based on a felony conviction.
  • You are not currently serving as a grand juror or trial juror anywhere in California
  • You are not the subject of a conservatorship

If you do not meet one or more of these qualifications, you are not legally allowed to perform jury service.

If you are not qualified to serve, tell us as soon as possible, but at least five (5) days before your service date.

How to Request to be Disqualified from Jury service

Go online to request to be disqualified from jury service.  Use your Juror ID Number, found in the upper right corner of your summons, and your date of birth to access the system. Select the option on the left to Request to be Disqualified from Jury Service.

Online Reporting Status

Other Ways to Request to be Disqualified from Jury Service

By email.  Send an email to  Please include your juror ID number, found in the upper right corner of your summons and the reason you are eligible for disqualification.

By mail.  Complete the Disqualification section, section three (3) on your summons, and return it to the address printed in the upper left corner of your summons. Include any requested information or documents.

In person.  Stop by either courthouse during business hours.

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