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Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission

A court-appointed group of community members committed to improving and monitoring the quality of juvenile justice programs in Mendocino County.

JJDPC Meetings

Next Meeting: 
Friday February 14, 2025 from 12:00pm - 2:00pm 

Mendocino County Superior Court Jury Assembly Room
100 North State Street, Room G-1
Ukiah, CA 95482

Join by Video:
Meeting ID:  160 092 6095     Passcode: 161251     Toll-Free Call-in Number: (833)568-8864

Future Meetings:
Meeting Schedule

Meeting Documents

Date Purpose Agenda Minutes
January 10, 2025 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments  
December 13, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
November 8, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
October 11, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
September 13, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
August 9, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
July 12, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
June 14, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
May 17, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with attachments Minutes
April 12, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with attachments Minutes
March 8, 2024 Monthly Meeting Agenda with Attachments Minutes
February 09, 2024 Monthly Meeting N/A Minutes


JOIN THE COMMISSION! We are currently recruiting commissioners of all ages.

The Mendocino County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission (JJDPC) is a court-appointed group of community members committed to improving and monitoring the quality of juvenile justice programs in Mendocino County.

The Commission is a volunteer organization and its members must be residents of, or employed in, Mendocino County. Duties include: attending regular monthly meetings, participating in inspections of juvenile detention facilities, preparing reports and working on subcommittees.

There are a maximum of 15 members, including two members between 14 and 21 years of age. Members serve 4-year terms, and members under 21 years of age serve 2-year terms.

The Commission is committed to recruiting members who reflect the diversity of Mendocino County. Every effort is made to have a balance regarding: ethnic background, age, gender, socio-economic background, and regional representation.

You are invited to apply for membership with the Commission. Due the nature of our work and the commitment required, applying to the JJDPC is a multi-step process which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Submitting an application to the Mendocino County Superior Court.
  • Submitting written authorization for the Court to conduct a criminal background investigation.
  • Submitting an Oath of Confidentiality, since Commission members occasionally learn the names of juveniles in the juvenile justice system.
  • Having your fingerprints LiveScanned.

Please complete, download and email the application and background check authorization forms to the court at  The court will confirm receipt and let you know when a determination on your application has been made.  Thank you for your interest in participating in the Commission.

JJDPC Confidential Application

JJDPC Background Check Disclosure and Authorization

Mission Statement

The mission of the JJDPC is to advocate for a quality system of care for juvenile offenders and to promote the development of evidence-based services, employment opportunities and resources for juveniles.


The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission (JJDPC) is actively dedicated to providing support for juveniles in the juvenile justice system in Mendocino County. The Commission focuses on understanding and promoting evidence-based best practices and resources for preventing youth from entering the juvenile justice system. In addition, the JJDPC strives to promote diversion programs for juveniles.  Participating in the JJDPC involves collaborative discussions and a willingness to work in an inclusive and transparent environment. 

The Commission’s responsibilities include:

  1. Conducting annual inspections of detention or lockup facilities used to confine youth. Current facilities include Mendocino County Juvenile Hall and Fort Bragg Police Department.  Written reports and recommendations are delivered to juvenile court as well as the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC).
  2. Conducting public hearings on matters relevant to the implementation and administration of laws related to youth in Mendocino County.
  3. Addressing the needs of historically marginalized and underserved groups such as youth of color, lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer youth, and immigrant youth.
  4. Encouraging, supporting, and coordinating activities that can prevent youth from entering the juvenile justice system.
  5. Creating working relationships with county departments, local agencies, and the Mendocino community.

How the Commission Can Help You

If you are a youth, parent, guardian, service provider, or concerned community member and need help with any of the following, you may want to contact the JJDPC for the following reasons:

  • You want to empower youth and keep them from entering the juvenile justice system
  • You are having trouble navigating the juvenile justice system
  • You have complaints about juvenile justice that aren’t getting addressed in a satisfactory way
  • You want to support all youth in achieving their highest potential

You can reach out to the JJDPC by calling (707) 463-4664 or emailing

Authority, Bylaws, and State Code

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission was established in Mendocino County in 1974 by the Board of Supervisors.   Over the 50 years since its inception, it has focused on ensuring that high quality programs and interventions exist for juveniles with a goal of preventing them from entering the juvenile justice system.  For juveniles that have had law violations, the Commission has focused on ensuring that detention facilities and group homes were properly monitored and has supported programs to assist juveniles in leading law-abiding lives.   

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission of Mendocino County transitioned from County administrative support to Court support under Board of Supervisors Ordinance 4533, adopted February 6, 2024.  This Commission is mandated by Welfare and Institutions Code sections 225 and 233.  

Board of Supervisors Ordinance 4533 re: JJDPC

Commission Bylaws and Authority

State Welfare and Institution Codes 225 through 236

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